Thursday, April 14, 2011


I've heard of women getting "push" presents after they have children.  I personally find this a little ridiculous but that is simply my opinion.  How about buying me some flowers and lets call it a day.  It was around Christmas when I thought of something much better than a push present.  Ryan getting a vasectomy.  Since he is a rock star husband he said sure. 

Now I will answer some of the questions you've already thought of.  Yes we are both 29 years old but we gave it a lot of thought.  First question: What if something happens to this baby?  Well, that is a possibility but I have faith that the baby will be fine (and if for some reason that isn't the case then God had another plan).  Next: What if I die?  Well then I will leave my husband with two small children, he'd have to find a new lady who wants more kids and then agree to that.  Likelihood of this: slim at best.  Next question: What if I die with the children?  Well then Ryan will be crushed and probably not looking to start another family, let me quote him "I'll whore myself out and be glad I won't get anyone pregnant."  Nice honey....this is why I love him.  Biggest question: Are you sure you don't want more kids?  My answer is I think so.  But I should clarify - I know I don't want to be pregnant again.  If we want more children we can foster or adopt.  End of story.  My pregnancies have been  difficult on me of course.  But I not only have to think of myself but my children, husband and parents who are also going through this with us.  I won't do that again to any of us.  And yes I know every pregnancy is different but I am not a gambler. 

So the vasectomy was done in February.  Somehow I think Ryan enjoyed some aspects of this like the fact he got to lay on the couch for a whole day.  Reminiscent of life without kids.  He did great and followed doctors orders and had no problems.  Having a good doc helped (Dr. Jay Sandlow).  Dare I was easy.  He would agree, just ask.  The one concern he had was regarding the first sexual encounter, solo or otherwise.  The analogy he kept using was a Ferrari going 200 miles per hour through a tunnel and hitting a brick wall.  I can report that did not happen.  Whew. 

Some may say we jumped the gun.  My vote is we will both sleep better at night. 

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