Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Yup.  Bedrest.  Didn't expect that one.  I will apologize now if this post sounds angry, frustrated and even a bit bitter.  That is where I am at. 

Yesterday morning I felt rotten in general.  Same old nausea and puking but it was something else too that I couldn't put my finger on.  Along with it I had a bit of a headache.  I had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon where we noticed my blood pressure (BP) was high.  Figures.  Normally it runs on the low side and when I get my dressing changes done (which have been every 2 days for a while now; my BP has been good).  My doc sent me for blood work and I was to come back today to see those results and how my BP was.  She did say that bedrest was an option along with induction depending on my blood work.  Of course I thought to myself, won't be bad enough for induction just bad enough for bedrest.  I was right.  

I headed back to the doctor early this afternoon.  Blood work didn't look too bad but my BP was still too high.  Bedrest it is.  Ultrasound to make sure the Bitoski is doing well and a visit with the doc on Friday afternoon.  

So much for going to work tomorrow or doing anything else for that matter.  I am just frustrated as I was stupidly hoping the rest of the pregnancy would be status quo - puking and PICC line problems.  Apparently I was wrong.  Now I have to lay here.  Boo.  Suggestions on things to do would be swell (reading much more than a paragraph or two makes me yak and I prefer the TV not be on too much with Fiona around). 

In other news - having more pukes lately (shocking) but the PICC line is beginning to heal thanks to a diligent Pam. 

I am praying for a healthy baby sooner than later and a bit of patience for me (and those who have to deal with me). 

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