I get a lot of questions about the fact that I don't drink anything. Ryan said yesterday, isn't the definition of insanity doing something over and over and expecting different results? (I believe it was an Albert Einstein quote actually). I laughed but I am going to tend to agree. When I drink, I vomit. So after a while I said, forget it.
The last time I had water was sometime in November. I think once in a while about the fact that people can't live without water. Then I thank modern medicine and think, unless you have IV fluids of course. Water was the first beverage to go as it is notorious for causing problems with hyperemesis patients. All other beverages quickly followed as they weren't any better. Sporadically I would try to drink something to see what would happen as I was hoping it was getting better as the pregnancy progressed. I still vomited. So my answer was, why bother.
I get lots of questions about my mouth being dry. It honestly isn't bad except in the morning when I first wake up. Then it is pretty comparable to a desert. Otherwise it isn't bad, but I do get about 100 ounces of fluid a day so I am well hydrated. How many people really drink that much? I don't really miss it with my meals, I just don't think about it anymore. Other people seem more bothered by it than I am probably because I am very used to it. I do get thirsty from time to time. More often after I am at work. I seem to get cravings for liquids more than really thirsty for them. And man are they everywhere, and people drink them so quickly. I watch Ryan just easily chug a glass of water and I think, hmm, must be nice.
Lately my philosophy has changed a bit since my vomiting has increased. If I've been vomiting a lot already and I feel like having a sip of something, I will. Why not, since I am vomiting anyway. I don't do this often since it does seem a bit insane but every so often I am dumb enough to do it.
I am extremely excited about a big glass of ice water, an ice cold Pepsi and a cappuccino after the baby arrives. I have to admit I am a bit nervous though but I have no doubt it will be just fine and taste phenomenal.
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